Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Deck the Halls....

Slacker. It is December 3rd and I don't have one Christmas decoration out. As a matter of fact the things I bought on Black Friday from Joann? They are still in the trunk...(Though I don't think that I bought any thing to decorate with, but I don't remember) I always have the house completely decked out by the day after Thanksgiving. As a matter of fact, on Thanksgiving night I am usually in the basement rustling around pulling stuff out staying up until all hours making things just so.

So, and I think this is terrible but oh well, I am thinking to myself 'when is it too late to put up decorations, and can I get away with not doing it?' Horrors of Horrors! I actually thought that!! Pretty shocking I know. Don't worry. I got over it and I plan to decorate today.

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